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Educator Christine In-Albon Offers Unique Environmental Science Program

My mission as an educator is to provide opportunities for my students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers, and to use those skills to engage with the world around them to promote positive change. This drive led me to co-create a unique program at Empire that integrated honors environmental science and honors senior composition. With David Shingler teaching the senior composition we taught the course through the major themes of food and water security, energy and biodiversity. The focus was on realizing internal change, solving local problems and utilizing multiple perspectives to address all concepts.

The photoessay below demonstrates the many aspects of field work crucial to creative problem solving in environmental science.

Creating habitat ponds for endangered native species

Collecting population data on endangered native fish

Population surveys on endangered native fish.

Collecting data on grassland erosion

Conducting an environmental summit for their peers.

Teaching water conservation to peers at environmental summit.

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